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Home    Plastic Mold Steel    P20 Plastic Mold Steel

P20 Plastic Mold Steel

KD special steel P20 pre-hardened plastic mold steel is a high-quality plastic mold steel produced using VAD processing technology. The national standard name is: 3Cr2Mo mold steel.

One. Product Description

KD Special Steel P20 Pre-Hardened Plastic Mold Steel is a high-quality plastic mold steel produced by VAD processing technology.

The GB standard name is: 3Cr2Mo Mold Steel.



Two. Quality Standard

EN ISO 4957-2001 Standard Specification



Three. Product Specifications



Four. Equivalent Grade of P20 Mold Steel  - For Reference Only























Five. Product Features and Uses


P20 has better comprehensive mechanical properties and higher hardenability, which enables steels with larger cross-sectional dimensions to obtain more uniform hardness. The polishing performance is good, and the surface roughness value of the finished mold is low.


1. Uniform hardness, good polishing performance and lithography performance, and good processing performance.

2. Pure steel undergoes vacuum degassing refining process, suitable for plastic molds that need to be polished or etched.

3. Supplied in a pre-hardened state, without heat treatment, it can be directly used for mold processing, shortening the construction period.

4. After forging, the structure is dense, 100% ultrasonic flaw detection, no pores and pinhole defects.



1. Suitable for plastic molds and mold bases such as TV front shells, telephones, water dispensers, vacuum cleaners, etc.

2. Thermoplastic injection molds, extrusion molds, thermoplastic blow molds, heavy-duty mold main parts, cold structural parts.

3. Commonly used in the manufacture of TV casings, washing machines, refrigerator inner casings, buckets, etc.



Six. Product Detailed Information

KD special steel P20 pre-hardened plastic mold steel is a high-quality plastic mold steel produced by VAD processing technology.


The GB standard name is: 3Cr2Mo mold steel. KD special steel P20 has good comprehensive mechanical properties and high hardenability, which can enable steels with larger cross-sectional dimensions to obtain more uniform hardness. It has good polishing performance, and the surface roughness value of the produced mold is low. When making a mold with steel, it is generally quenched and tempered first, and the hardness is 28~35HRC. The mold can be used directly after cold working, which ensures the performance of the mold and avoids the deformation of the mold caused by heat treatment.


The heat treatment process of Fugang P20 mold steel is a new improved process. Compared with other domestic 3Cr2Mo mold steels, both the composition and the smelting technology have been greatly improved. Therefore, the performance of machining, polishing and welding is greatly improved, and it is especially suitable for the production of large, complex and precise molds, as well as for low-melting alloy mold-casting molds. Its cutting performance and polishing performance are significantly better than 45 steel. Under the same polishing conditions, the surface roughness is 1-3 grades lower than that of No. 45 steel, and the large plastic shell has been molded hundreds of thousands of times, and the mold is still intact.


Physical Performance Parameters:

Density (kg/m3): 7.81x103

Elastic modulus (room temperature) E (MPa): 212x103

Shear modulus (room temperature) G (MPa): 825x103

Poisson's ratio p: 0.288


Our company's delivery state is pre-hardened, hardness 28-35HRC or according to customer requirements.


KD special steel P20 is generally prepared first, with a hardness of 28-35HRC (ie pre-hardened), and then cold-worked into molds. It is suitable for making large, medium and precision plastic molds and mold-casting molds of low melting point tin, zinc and lead alloys.

