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To shoulder responsibility and accelerate innovation, the mission of "carbon neutrality" must be achieved!

To shoulder responsibility and accelerate innovation, the mission of "carbon neutrality" must be achieved!

Make a promise every day! At the beginning of this year, China Steel clarified the timetable for carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Announcement: A low-carbon metallurgical roadmap will be released in 2021, and we will strive to achieve carbon peaks in 2023, have the ability to reduce carbon by 30% in 2025, strive to reduce carbon by 30% in 2035, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. This is the solemn promise of China Steel to the Party Central Committee and the people of the whole country in the "dual carbon" era, and it is an oath to lead the development of China and the world's steel industry.

Time flies, mission urges. Strive for more than 20 years to achieve carbon neutrality in the world's largest steel company, with closely linked time nodes and interlocking mission goals. This is a big test of the wisdom and ability of China's steel management. Stepping forward will lead the steel industry to a brighter future. The prospects are bright and the roads are difficult and dangerous. All Baowu people are required to have the determination and perseverance to fight tough battles and not give up if they fail to achieve their goals, and to go all out and insist that Qingshan will not relax.

The release of the low-carbon metallurgy roadmap is the first step to formally take the carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and it is also the top priority of the current "dual-carbon" work. Everything is difficult at the beginning, you must plan and then move. This roadmap will give the "road" and "techniques" for the implementation of carbon neutrality in China's steel industry. It will clarify the strategy, tactics, direction, and path, which are of overall importance and significant. To draw this picture, the premise is to answer what is carbon neutrality in the steel industry. In August, China Iron and Steel held the first meeting of the Carbon Neutrality Promotion Committee and clearly pointed out that carbon neutrality is not zero carbon. It is not about not producing carbon dioxide, but pursuing to reduce or even eliminate carbon emissions, and to achieve maximum carbon recycling. It is to make carbon dioxide emissions "break-even" and achieve a neutralizing effect through recycling, offsetting the carbon dioxide produced in the steel smelting process. "Achieving maximum carbon recycling" has pinpointed the direction and provided a fundamental method for China Steel's future carbon peak and carbon neutralization efforts.

Striving to achieve a carbon peak in 2023 is the first tough battle for China Steel's "dual-carbon" work. It can only succeed, not fail. Under the background of the implementation of production restrictions in the steel industry in the second half of this year, before the disruptive and innovative technology of low-carbon metallurgy has not yet matured and been applied on a large scale, CO2 emissions will not increase and will be gradually reduced. Time is tight and the task is arduous. Do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. If you want to be quick, go to the bottom and retreat. The chairman has repeatedly emphasized that the pursuit of "extreme" efficiency will solve the problem, achieve carbon peaks, and promote green and low-carbon development.

In pursuit of the ultimate, we must dare to break the tradition and remove the "loop" in the smelting process. Over 40 years of reform and opening up,

The comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel in China's iron and steel industry has been reduced by half. It is imperative to use subtraction to remove the intermediate links of the traditional process as much as possible. This is the removal of "loops". For example, the newly-built blast furnace of Xinyu Steel Plant has a tap hole in the steelmaking plant; Kunming Iron and Steel Honggang High-speed Wire has realized continuous casting and direct rolling technology transformation, after continuous casting billets are not heated in the furnace, they directly enter the rolling line to roll finished products... …Today, with the improvement of the reliability and stability of on-site equipment, the improvement of management technology, and the reorganization of enterprises, the steel industry is changing, and KD is also changing. Tianchang Dao Shuchang. Breaking the original mindset, comprehensively sorting out the production line, making all necessary changes, removing the layers of "loops" such as ladle, torpedo tank, and ladle, and making the long-process production short-process is a must and will be released There is a huge space and potential for efficiency improvement.

Pursuing the ultimate, we must base on-site innovation to improve the production efficiency of the unit production line. After the implementation of production restrictions in the iron and steel industry, some production lines were shut down, forcing the operation of production lines to improve production methods, shorten the smelting cycle, maximize thermal efficiency, and reduce energy consumption per ton of steel. With the help of new methods such as big data, the Internet, and 5G, the ultimate efficiency of single-tank operation has been created with "pull only when needed, and go when the tank is full". At present, the intelligentization of the iron-steel interface drives the comprehensive innovation of thinking, management, and technology, and those goals that were "dare to be imagined" in the past will be realized one by one. As long as we are based on the scene and dare to challenge, every production line and every furnace can create miracles and achieve greater miracles in improving the efficiency of China's steel smelting.

In pursuit of the ultimate, we must insist on benchmarking and find differences, and vigorously carry out labor competitions between production lines. A single spark can start a prairie fire, engage in competitions, launch rankings, set benchmark models, link with assessments, and inspire the most extensive enthusiasm for participation at the grassroots level. The championship production line and championship furnace stand out in the arena, forming a strong atmosphere in which Qianfan competes for the first to create excellence and pursue the ultimate. Gather all the power and wisdom of the top and bottom to press the "fast forward button" for the "carbon peak".

The movement of the Dapeng is not the lightness of a feather; the speed of Qiji is not the strength of a single foot. Achieving carbon neutrality is a step-by-step process and a complex systematic project that requires China Steel's "one base and five yuan" to form a fist and focus its efforts to achieve common results.

Striving to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 is the only way to promote disruptive technological innovation in the steel industry. In the "dual carbon" era, steel production will undergo an epoch-making major change. As a member of the steel industry, KD must guide, lead, and lead this change. The disruptive innovation of the steel production process is a major test and opportunity for the steel industry. KD can be regarded as a model enterprise only if it is seized and done well. At present, we have carried out the feasibility study of the million-ton-level short-process demonstration project, and actively tried the traditional blast furnace long-process low-carbon metallurgy. Successfully achieved the target of 50% oxygen enrichment rate in the second stage, and is moving towards a higher low-carbon green smelting target-hydrogen-rich carbon cycle pure oxygen blast furnace, which will explore a feasible process route for traditional blast furnace low-carbon smelting . We must give full play to the group's role in concentrating its efforts on major events, mobilizing superior resources inside and outside the group, and fully supporting disruptive technological innovation projects. All iron and steel bases should also actively explore and practice process technology innovation routes that are in line with their actual conditions, and promote disruptive technological innovation from large to small in detail, from point to point, and promote the leaping progress of China Baowu's smelting technology. Maximize the recycling of carbon.

Achieving low-carbon development requires the coordinated progress of multiple industries. Carbon emission reduction is currently the most important outlet. Whoever seizes the opportunity will gain the initiative in development. No matter which industry you are engaged in, which industry you are in, it must be deeply connected and integrated with carbon emission reduction. The resource and environmental industry came into being, and it goes without saying that it is closely related; the wisdom industry has been deeply involved in carbon emission reduction projects, low-carbon metallurgical equipment, information services, etc., carbon emission reduction has become the core business of these companies; aluminum used in the manufacturing of new materials industry Light metals such as magnesium and titanium, and carbon fiber materials are important development directions for future carbon emission reduction; the industry and finance industry explores green finance and uses funds, trusts, securities and other financial tools to promote the realization of the "dual carbon" goal; Low-carbon elements are deeply rooted in every industrial park. Fortunately, the foresight of carbon emission reduction has made some subsidiaries of the "one base five yuan" have walked in the forefront of the industry, cultivated corresponding capabilities in the process of professional integration, and contributed to China's low-carbon steel metallurgy. Innovative research and development, engineering, industrialization and finally landing have formed a strong support. It must be emphasized that the carbon neutrality of China's steel has never been a company or industry alone. The five-element industry, the steel industry, and the five-element industry must support each other, be a market for each other, and feed each other back. The strong synergy of the entire group to promote carbon neutrality has driven the entire industrial chain and ecosystem to be at the forefront of carbon emission reduction in the entire society.

From 2021 to 2050, it's a snap. Since the announcement of the peak carbon neutralization schedule, China Steel's carbon neutralization work has entered a countdown. Time does not wait for me, just seize the day! We need to improve the system and mechanism of carbon neutral promotion work to ensure that after the release of the low-carbon metallurgy roadmap, various work responsibilities are effectively decomposed, implemented in place, and promoted steadily. We must further increase publicity and training, strengthen employee training internally, and form a consensus between the top and bottom; vigorously publicize externally, enhance the reputation of the industry, establish a good social and brand image, and enhance industry confidence, corporate confidence, and professional confidence. We must build an open carbon-neutral innovation system, form a low-carbon metallurgical innovation alliance with global counterparts, and create and share low-carbon innovation results, improve the environment, and benefit all mankind.

Guarding the green waters and mountains and building a community with a shared future for mankind is the responsibility of China Iron and Steel as the country's heaviest instrument; it is the mission of China Iron and Steel as an industry leader to take the lead in promoting carbon peaks and carbon neutrality. At the beginning of the year, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on China's steel carbon peak carbon emission reduction work, encouraging us to shoulder our responsibilities, accelerate technological innovation, and unswervingly embark on the path of green development.

Great responsibility, glorious mission! The times call for creators, leaders, missions and opportunities. At present, we can only fulfill our commitments and responsibilities to the country if we make up our minds, overcome all difficulties, roll up our sleeves, and fulfill our mission, and make excellence for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and mankind. contribute.

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