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Global Low Carbon Metallurgical Innovation Alliance was established

Global Low Carbon Metallurgical Innovation Alliance was established

Promote the green, low-carbon transformation and high-quality development of the steel industry

The "Golden Stove" of the China Iron and Steel Expo Center is immersed in the warm sun in winter with radiance and greenery. In this place that has precipitated the traditional culture of Chinese steel manufacturing and witnessed the difficult process of the transformation and development of steel enterprises, it will usher in an important moment in the green and low-carbon development of the steel industry. The establishment of the Global Low-Carbon Metallurgical Innovation Alliance jointly initiated by industry and ecosystem partners was announced here. Entrepreneurs, experts, and scholars from 15 countries gathered together to discuss solutions to low-carbon challenges, and to jointly create a green future. China Steel will join hands with global steel peers and upstream and downstream partners to jointly promote the green, low-carbon transformation and high-quality development of the steel industry.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the international community should build multilateral consensus, focus on pragmatic actions, and accelerate green transformation. Chen Derong proposed at the World Steel Association Conference held in Monterrey, Mexico on October 13, 2019, that green transformation is a disruptive revolution to the traditional steel value chain. Colleagues, upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain work together for a long time. To this end, Chen Derong issued an initiative to build a global low-carbon metallurgical innovation alliance at the conference. At the same time, he proposed to build a low-carbon metallurgical innovation center and prepare a low-carbon metallurgical technology innovation fund. Of approval and response.

The Global Low-Carbon Metallurgical Innovation Alliance from

62 companies, universities, and scientific research institutions from 15 countries in the world are jointly established. The members of the international alliance include ArcelorMittal, Thyssen, Tata, BHP, Rio Tinto, VALE, FMG and other internationally renowned companies, as well as Aachen Universities, Ukrainian Institute of Metallurgical Research, Danieli, Pratt and other scientific research institutes and engineering technology companies; domestic alliance members include 20 steel companies such as Anshan Iron and Steel Group, Hegang Group, Shougang Group, Shagang Group, China Iron and Steel Research Group, Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute and other scientific research institutions, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Northeastern University, Chongqing University, Central South University and other 11 universities, as well as partners from the upstream and downstream industries of steel. The alliance is positioned as a technology exchange platform in the field of low-carbon metallurgical innovation. The purpose is to gather the R&D resources of the global steel industry and upstream and downstream enterprises, universities and research institutions to cooperate in the development of basic and forward-looking low-carbon metallurgical technology; promote technical cooperation, Technological exchanges and technological transformations, promote the engineering and industrialization of low-carbon technologies, form a low-carbon value innovation chain for steel, and promote the low-carbon transformation of the steel industry. The members of the alliance will follow the principles of openness, vision recognition, and intellectual property protection, actively respond to climate change, and jointly contribute to the future of the steel industry and the benefit of mankind.

It is reported that the construction of China Steel's low-carbon metallurgical innovation "one center and multiple test bases" has now taken shape. The China Iron and Steel Research Institute has gathered more than 60 doctors and masters to initiate scientific research projects in the field of clean energy to support the green and low-carbon transition. Various technical indicators have reached the forefront of similar equipment. The reconstruction and construction of the hydrogen-rich carbon cycle blast furnace began in October 2019, and the experimental study of 50% oxygen enrichment has been completed, and corresponding experiments have also been carried out for hydrogen-enriched reduction. Zhanjiang Hydrogen Metallurgy Test Base has also completed the planning and design work. These test bases will provide basic research and on-site verification conditions for scientific researchers, experts, and scholars from all over the world on the premise of safe production.

In order to promote the exchange of green and low-carbon metallurgical technology, evaluate the progress of technological innovation, and propose the direction of technological development, the alliance has established a technical committee. The conference hired Gan Yong as the director of the technical committee; Zhu Renliang, an engineering scientist from Baowu of China, as the executive deputy director of the technical committee; Wang Guodong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Xinxin, former president of the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Tian Zhiling, chief scientist of China Iron and Steel Research Group Co., Ltd., and deputy director of the China Iron and Steel Association Secretary General Director Huang, Vice President of Monash University in Australia and Foreign Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Yu Aibing served as Deputy Director of the Technical Committee. Hu Wangming issued a letter of appointment to everyone.

Steel is an important material basis for human civilization, and it is also the lowest-carbon and greenest required material for people today. China is willing to create more and better application scenarios for it, and is also willing to use green steel to reduce carbon emissions for the entire society. Respond to climate change and make greater contributions to the construction of ecological civilization. He pointed out that realizing green and low-carbon transformation and development has become the consensus and action of global steel companies. The exploration and practice of various enterprises or the joint actions of enterprises in the region undoubtedly provide a wealth of experience for the low-carbon transformation of the global steel industry. However, from the perspective of global integration, it must be admitted that in terms of cost, efficiency and time, these tasks have not yet met the urgent needs of the current green transformation of the steel industry. The establishment of the Global Low-Carbon Metallurgical Innovation Alliance will build an open, equal, co-constructed and shared technology exchange platform for us, and establish a new type of cooperation and exchange relationship that spans countries and regions, across traditional cognitive models, and across market competition. Through the active responsibility and coordinated actions of all members, we will build a green and low-carbon steel ecosystem and show the world the efforts and prospects of the steel industry to reshape the low-carbon value chain. The construction of the "One Center, Multiple Test Bases" of the Low-Carbon Metallurgical Innovation Center has been preliminarily formed in China Steel, which will provide basic research and on-site verification conditions for scientific researchers, experts, and scholars from all over the world. China Steel has established a low-carbon metallurgical technology innovation fund and issued the first phase of the low-carbon metallurgical innovation fund project guide. It will provide financial support at an annual rate of 35 million yuan in advance. It is hoped that the younger generation can take over the baton in our hands and make the steel business a success. To become the happiest and most valuable career in the world. Chen Derong emphasized that the firewood was high in the crowd. Through the joint progress and continuous struggle of China Steel and your colleagues, we are sure to usher in a bright future for the green and low-carbon development of the steel industry!

In his speech, Edwin Bassoon pointed out that compared with other materials, steel is greener, low-carbon, highly applicable, and reasonably priced. It is a relatively high-quality material from an environmental point of view. To support the modern society's transition to a more sustainable low-carbon future, we are also committed to reducing the total carbon dioxide emissions of the steel industry, but this requires time, investment and everyone's efforts. It is of great significance to initiate the establishment of a global low-carbon metallurgical innovation alliance to promote the progress of green and low-carbon technology. Although many people affected by the epidemic have not been able to participate on the spot, it is believed that the world will pay close attention to the development of this alliance. He said that the World Steel Association will also develop and share related resources to promote the low-carbon transformation and development of the industry.

He Wenbo pointed out in his speech that it is not an easy task to organize a technological innovation alliance on a global scale. Such a beginning is a very meaningful thing in the development of world steel technology. China is the world's largest steel producer and consumer. Accelerating the low-carbon transformation, achieving carbon peaks and becoming carbon neutral at an early date is the only way for industry transformation and upgrading and high-quality development. He said that China Steel will, as always, be an explorer of transformation and upgrading, a leader in ultra-low emissions, a practitioner of cooperation and sharing, and a contributor to global development. Harmonious World contributes positive forces to create a bright future of low-carbon, green, healthy development and sustained prosperity for the global steel industry.

Ansteel Group General Manager Dai Zhihao, ArcelorMittal Group Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Pinakin Chaubal, ArcelorMittal Group Vice President Sanjie, Rio Tinto Group CEO Shi Daocheng, Rio Tinto Group Chief Commercial Officer Executive Officer Bai Ruiming, Vice President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Huang Zhen, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Wang Guodong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhang Wenhai, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Mao Xinping, Former President of University of Science and Technology Beijing Zhang Xinxin, Vice President of University of Science and Technology Beijing Xue Qingguo, President of North China University of Technology Zhang Fucheng, Executive Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Metals, Chief Scientist of China Iron and Steel Research Group Tian Zhiling, Chief Engineer of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Li Xinchuang, Chairman of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. Chen Dexin, MCC Engineering Yue Wenyan, Chairman of Technology Co., Ltd., and Liu Jianrong, Chairman of Xinyu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. attended the inaugural meeting.


After the founding meeting of the alliance, the 2021 Global Low-Carbon Metallurgy Innovation Forum was held. .

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